
Posts Tagged ‘BOOTLEG TOYS


Gay Storm Trooper


SUCKADELIC is an Evil Intergalactic arts enterprise ruled by the sinister SUCKLORD 66! Striking from a secret base in CHINATOWN NYC, the SUCKADELIC crew is waging a WAR on WACKNESS using FAT BEATS and ACTION FIGURES as lethal weapons. Follow the adventures of the SUPER-SUCKLORD and his SUPERVILLAIN partners as they release records, make videos, do shows, put out toys, and other cool stuff. SUCKADELIC has 3 albums available, STAR WARS BREAKBEATS, SAURON SPEAKS, and SUPERVILLAINS-THE ALBUM. All super geeked remixes of your favorite sci fi and fantasy movies and TV shows with that SUCKADELIC twist. Check out SUCKADELIC.com for more sound samples and order info. Also experience the extensive art and photo galleries made just for the hipster nerd set. See our erotic STAR WARS gallery featuring PRINCESS LEIAS of the WORLD and DARTH MAUL-PORNO STAR. Also witness all the wacky toy and action figure projects and products such as the GAY EMPIRE bootleg, ANOTHER BITCH YOU DIDN’T GET TO FUCK, and the ongoing SUCKLORD series. Experience the growing LOWRIDER CUTIES bicycle foto section and examine the vile adventures at our COMICON parties! Do it, nerd, do it!

What is the philosophy of Suckadelic?

I could come up with dozens of answers, but today we will say it is “Self commodification as expression across all media for the enrichment of the Sucklord both financially and personally. “

To what do you attribute the success and notoriety of Suckadelic?

The personality of the Sucklord, a still evolving creation that has taken many years to develop. A despicable yet admirable character that has the uncanny ability to do and say what others cannot or will not. The Sucklord has been relentless with steady stream constantly-improving products while staying in the public eye thru a series of scandalous public spectacles.
Beyond all the self-generated hype around Suckadelic products, the Sucklord’s thoughtful and scathing social commentary and unassailable geek-cread all add up to the making of a legendary brand. I really dig bootleg toys, like the shit which comes out of Mexico or the Czech Republic, China. I think for me the main attraction is because those toys are imperfect and have flaws, and so do I. The flaws are what make the toys interesting.

What attracts you to bootleg toys?

The sad and pathetic attempts and the absolute disbelief that some production person looked at this thing and said, “okay, this passes.” Plus the abject horror at the thought of some sad kid actually having to play with the little plastic turd of a toy.

As far as bootlegs go for the benefit of Suckadelic’s operations, making bootlegs means you don’t need to churn out a perfect piece, a hard task when working in resin. Selling them as bootlegs allows me to get more pieces to market because I can pass the shitty ones…

What will the Sucklord be dropping on us in 2011?

Like birdshit, more and more bootlegs. But better and more expensive. Also Episode 2 of the web video series TOY LORDS OF CHINATOWN. Plus a retrospective show in NYC at Boo-Horray gallery. http://boo-hooray.com/

Sucklord, you are a Star Wars fan and collector. What would be your dream piece to add to your collection?

I got everything I want. I don’t really collect all that much. Maybe those Gentile Giant giant size retro cantina aliens? What I really want is a shot at writing a script for Episode 7…

Some people think the toys you make are so fucking sic and cool. And then there are some people who aren’t feelin it. What do you say to the haters out there? Do you think they hate on Suckadelic because they are jealous?

I don’t think about the haters. I’m not sure if they exist. Where do I go to hear their opinions? They are so quiet…

Boba Fett is one of my favourite Star Wars characters. In Return of the Jedi he died a pretty lame death, considering he was a bad ass bounty hunter. How would you have taken Boba Fett out if you were the director of the film?

I don’t know, but if I WAS Boba Fett I would have seen which way the wind was blowing and offered my services to the Rebel Alliance. I already got Paid from Darth Vader, I already got Paid from Jabba, and he was going down. I already got the rep for bringing down Solo, so who cares if he’s free now? This was never personal. I would have triple-dipped on that deal
and let the rebels hire me to some more dirt for them.

You have dubbed your self “The Sucklord” because you deliberately went out of you way to make toys which “suck” and it kinda pisssed some people off (lol). But what does Morgan Phillips a.k.a The Sucklord, NOT suck at?

Well there’s sucking and then there’s Sucking. The Sucklord sucks at sucking, but is awesome at Sucking in the not sucky way.

Morgan, you know quite a few people in the art and vinyl toy scene. Who are some of your favourite artists?

Don’t call me Morgan in this venue. The Sucklord is giving this interview. There are a bunch of people I like to work and party with, Paul Kaiju, Matt Doughty, Buff Monster, J-Ryu, Datadub, KaNO, Jeremyville, Bill McMullen. There’s more…

I have seen you conduct many solid interviews with some totally rad artists etc for mimozine. Who would be the one person you would most like to interview with, and why?

Maybe President Obama. See if I could shake him out of his measured-cool guy persona.

Morgan, you have had your hand in many various projects, everything from art to toys, music and even trading cards. What is next in the evolution of Suckadelic?

What I say about using my “Government Name?” Call me The Sucklord please… Not sure what the next evolutionary step is exactly, or how far away it is. Probably to eventually get into TV. And fancier art Galleries. As far as now goes, it’s the same as it was but better and more expensive and more of it.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to break into the world of vinyl toys?

Don’t do it. But if you must, be prepared to not make any money. Make something original for sure, keep making it, and keep making it more interesting, and give people some reason to believe in it and keep buying it.

My favourite toy which you have produced is the infamous Gay Storm Trooper. Why do you believe so many people love the Trooper in pink?

People Just Love GAY I think.

Some might say that you are living the dream of every aspiring artist out there. Would you agree with that perception?

They would? That’s nice. I suppose, after a fashion. There’s still little too much uncertainty and financial ups and downs to call it really living “The Dream.” But I guess it’s close. This is my job and I don’t answer to anybody. I only make whatever I find interesting and am inspired by. Somehow it sells enough to keep me floating. But it’s stressful and lacks
structure and requires sacrifice. I’m not sure everybody is suited to this lifestyle.

Sucklord, you managed to gain the attention of the world renowned Christies Auction House with your incredibly avant-garde and original toys. How did it feel to have your Suck Pegs up for sale, and do you know how much they were sold for in the end?

It was cool seeing the work in those nice catalogs. I actually had stuff in 3 Christie’s sales as well as 3 at Phillips DePury and one at Freeman’s. It looks good on paper and it offers some credibility, but it didn’t make me rich. Just cuz you have work in an auction with a Warhol, doesn’t mean you sell at Warhol prices.

Top five fav cartoons from the 1980’s

Master’s of The Universe
Spiderman and His Amazing Friends
Dungeons and Dragons

and cuz I grew up in the 70s

Land of The Lost
Wacky Racers
Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch
Josie and the Pussycats in Outer Space

Any final thoughts from the Mighty Mighty Sucklord?


If you have spent any amount of time reading this interview than your an asshole 😛

Sup peoples,  I felt compelled to write a post dedicated to apart of my own toy collection which I don’t readily get a chance to chat about with other toys collectors.  The black sheep of my toy family, my bootlegs. Yup you read that right, I heart bootleg toys.  Especially those really fucked up ones from like Mexico, Czech Republic, Argentina and of course China.

I suppose I have a special place in my heart for them because they represent me.  Bootleg toys are striving to be something better than they are but they sadly are flawed.  And well, I guess I can just relate.  Most of the time I feel pretty fucked up by my anxiety and the world in general. The only way I can express myself is through my writing, art and playing with my toys.

Bootleg toys are a social commentary on pop culture and its massive impact on society as a whole, and how it effects as all.   I ain’t no $$$ bootleg chaser, I just pick up what speaks to me.  Maybe I’m just a sucka for the odd or weird, who knows. All I know is that bootleg toys are pretty fucking cool.  If you are a fellow bootleg collector I would love to hear from you so comment below.

One of the more prevalent bootleg toy designers out there today is THE SUCKLORD. My favourite piece of his is the pink homo trooper. When I saw that I thought, damn how else does a true fan of Star Wars pay homage to something they love so much? By making a pink bootleg version of one of the iconic characters from the movies, that’s how! If you want to get more familiar with the work of the Sucklord then check out his site. I will link it below.


Bootleg toys are usually pretty unsafe and usually made with sub par materials and quality, so I don’t encourage kids to actually play with them…just sayin.